Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Koh Phi Phi, Langkawi and George Town, Penang.

At some point, likely upon my return to Bangkok, I will get to a real photocentric post. For now, here is a taster of the incredible things we have seen over the last six days.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Random photo dump Sunday 17


Maximum scooter

Meat Curtains - Meat Window


More bunnies

Holiday greetings and a bullet proof vest to you and your loved ones

A diet rich in bunnies

A diet rich in bunnies


Bin Laden the giraffe

So bootleg they screened the watermark right on the shirt

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Accompliced Shenanigry Commences. Minibeastmasters Unite.

I have now, under the folds of my dark and sinister wing, and accomplice. I am accompliced, you might say.
It's a celebration

Meet Erica. She knows a thing or two about travel. Hell, she was the one to plant the Thailand seed in my brain a couple years ago. Soon we will be off for Malaysia, working on our advanced degrees in debaucherology.

We hit Loha Prasat - THE METAL CASTLE - whilst checking out the doings for the King's birthday.

Thirty seven spires of METAL \m/

Also, the famous Khao San road is somewhere between a circus sideshow, a frat party and a joke.

At least I can get in a game of D&D

To top it of, we came face to face with some minibeasts of brutal death.

Many more days of shenanigry lay ahead.